
FAQ’s: Executive & Leadership Coaching

What is coaching?

The International Coach Federation defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

Does coaching actually help leaders?

In a word YES! The articles sited below will more specifically answer the ‘how’.
Forbes: Six Ways Having an Executive Coach Can Make You More Successful

For women leaders specifically: 
Forbes: How Does Coaching Actually Help Leaders

How do I know I’m ready for coaching?

Most importantly, you have something to work on that you want to improve or shift. Starting from a place of self-honesty, consider if you are ready to answer questions that will: 

  • Focus on you and what you have control over instead of focusing on other people or decisions out of your control 

  • Move you toward self-accountability

  • Challenge your mindsets and beliefs

  • Require you to self-reflect which may result in feeling vulnerable

  • Result at times in you committing to take action between sessions

Other important considerations: 

  • Do you have time in your calendar both physically and mentally? 

  • Are you curious and open to learning and growing personally and professionally? 

  • Are you willing to be open and honest with yourself and with your coach? 

  • Do you have the determination and discipline to consistently practice new and small behavior changes (some of which require sustainability)?  

Please consider that a lack of readiness for coaching can lead to a lack of results.

What can I expect to experience?

You will experience several questions designed to open your thoughts, increase your self-awareness, and help you identify what you really want. At times I will offer observations about patterns and offer frameworks or ideas only as a starting point for consideration about what solutions you see as most viable. I may also provide customized resources we have agreed upon. In between sessions you will be attempting to follow through with your commitments.

Who is responsible for what in coaching?

Your responsibilities: 

  • Setting your overall goals

  • Coming to each session with a topic on which you’d like to work

  • Concluding each session with what you are taking away as a learning and what you may want to work on before our next session

  • The outcome of the coaching engagement (the more you put in, the more you get out)

Coach responsibilities include providing the coaching process by: 

  • Creating a confidential safe environment for you to explore possibilities

  • Managing the conversation through powerful questions and the sharing of observations and frameworks while making sure we remain focused on your agenda

  • Providing whatever level of accountability you choose and may need

Are assessments used?

Yes. We determine options based on your focus and goals. I am certified in 3 optional paid assessments: 360 Leadership Effectiveness Assessment through MRG, LIFO Assessment (Life Orientations similar to DISC), and EQ-2 Assessment (emotional intelligence). Depending on the coaching engagement, I also use assessments that don’t require certification and are either free or have minimal costs (e.g. StrengthsFinder, Values in Action, Positive Intelligence, and versions similar to Myers Briggs & the Enneagram). If needed, I subcontract for assessments requiring certification. If there is an additional cost associated with any assessments, we will discuss that ahead of time.

How long are sessions and how long are coaching engagements?

This is all negotiable. Sessions are typically one hour. Depending on your needs and scope of goals I recommend  meeting once a week for the first month and once every other week for the remaining months with these general duration guidelines: 

  • Individual Contributor / High Potential – Team Leaders: 3 to 6 months

  • Managers – Directors: 3 to 9 months 

  • Senior Directors – Senior VPs: 6 to 9 months

What are the rates?

The investment varies depending on what is needed and the length of the chosen program. Rates include coaching sessions, customized resources between sessions, and support through email between sessions. Additional charges may apply if there is a cost for a recommended assessment or things such as reference books or outside recommended programs.

How do we connect?

To minimize the expense of time and travel I specialize in remote sessions by Phone, Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, WhatsApp, Google Hangout. We can use audio or video - whatever you prefer.

What if I realize coaching isn’t for me?

Let’s make that speakable! I will often check in with you regarding your experience. If at any point you decide coaching is not getting you closer to your goals, we stop. 

Who are Krista’s associates?

I am networked with a talented group of professional coaches and practitioners. 

What are Krista’s values?

Client-centered, relationship-based, results-oriented, kind, honest, self-accountable, reliable.

What are Krista’s hobbies?

Spending time connecting with my favorite people, life- long learning, traveling, hiking/walking, reading, watching documentaries/movies and listening to music. I live a location flexible life mostly between the US and Europe with my significant other.

What are the first steps if I want to start?

Let’s talk. Please contact me for a free 30 minute conversation. We will determine if we are a good match and if I’m the right coach for you based on your goals. Having strong rapport and the ability to build a relationship together is key to our coaching success.